Montag, 21. Juni 2004

D&C: You have been to South Africa on several occasions and witnessed how AIDS affects people's lives, which African stories have left the biggest impression on you...
Bono: Two of the most inspiring stories of the last 50 years to have come out of South Africa, one has been well recorded, that's Nelson Mandela. [

noch kein Kommentar - Kommentar verfassen At a hastily called press conference on his private estate at Rudder Cut Cay in the Bahamas, Irish legend, Bono – the sometimes lead singer in the popular beat combo U2, the seeker of truth, justice and world peace, the man who would be Jesus bejesus - yesterday announced an audacious plan to persuade George W Bush and Michael Moore to join him and his backing band on stage for a rendition of “Pride in the name of Love,” at a benefit concert for retired politicians and filmmakers who have fallen on hard times. [

noch kein Kommentar - Kommentar verfassen It's really no surprise that Irish rocker Bono would come to work where the streets have one name (Sand Hill Road). Yep, the U2 rock legend has become a venture capitalist, joining a new Menlo Park firm put together by old Silicon Valley hands Roger McNamee and John Riccitiello. (Bono's next hit: "Mamas Don't Let Your Rockers Grow Up to be Tech Investors.") No. This move isn't about money. OK, it probably is. [

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