The future needs a big kiss!

Mittwoch, 2. Juni 2004 Charity will not solve the problems of African poverty, was the message Bono delivered to EU development ministers in Dublin yesterday.

And in an open letter to UK PM Tony Blair and Chancellor Gordon Brown, Bono has joined a group of celebrities demanding an increase in aid to the poorest countries.

Actors Jude Law and Helen Mirren were among more than 20 stars to sign the letter, which lists the problems faced by the world's poor and asks the UK to donate 0.7% of its income to help. [arrow more] A group of celebrities has sent an open letter to Tony Blair and Gordon Brown pleading with them to increase aid to poverty-stricken countries.

Bono, Bob Geldof and actors Jude Law and Helen Mirren were among more than 20 stars to sign the letter.

It lists some of the problems faced by the world's poor and asks the UK to donate 0.7% of its income to help.

The letter coincides with a government spending review to decide UK budgets and aid for the next three years.

Directors from Oxfam and Christian Aid also signed the letter, entitled Aid Works - Increase it Now. [arrow more] In einem offenen Brief haben Stars wie Bono von U2 und die Schauspieler Jude Law und Minnie Driver den britischen Regierungschef Tony Blair zu mehr Hilfen für die ärmsten Länder der Welt aufgefordert.

In dem an Blair und Schatzmeister Gordon Brown adressierten Brief betonten die Prominenten heute, dringende Schritte täten Not: Täglich sterben demnach 6.400 Menschen in Afrika an AIDS, mehr als hundert Millionen Kinder der Welt gingen nicht zur Volksschule, jedes Jahr sterben 525.000 Frauen im Kindbett. [arrow more] Mit einem neuen Wohltätigkeitskonzert lasse sich die weltweite Armut nicht lindern, so der U2-Frontman. Bono drängte vor Regierungsvertretern auf andere Wege - Stars wie Jude Law helfen ihm bei der Kampagne. [arrow more]

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