The future needs a big kiss!

Freitag, 4. Juni 2004 U2's next album will be out in November, and the first single will arrive in October. That's the word we've seen, in writing, from a Principle Management employee. [arrow more] U2 frontman and globally renowned statesman Bono brought 25 EU ministers out for a bite of lunch at Dublin Castle during the week to make them come good on their promise to Africa...

Bono and Minister of State for Development Cooperation and Human Rights, Tom Kitt T.D, met at Dublin Castle this week for the "EU Development Ministers Meeting".

At the meeting Bono wanted to centre the discussion on African development issues including debt, trade and Aids. His mission is to get EU countries to agree to a .7% of national growth aid going to the continent of Africa which is currently in crisis.

The singer also met with the world's press who were determined to get Bono to comment on whether a Live Aid 2 concert would take place.

Bono explained in his usual charming and charismatic way that himself and Bob Geldof wanted to raise "billions not millions" and therefore a concert would not be feasible.

Go Bono!

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