The future needs a big kiss!

Montag, 7. Juni 2004
elev_dvdcover Am 23. und 24. Juli 2001 gaben U2 nach achtjähriger Abszenz endlich wieder zwei Konzerte in der Schweiz. Diese zwei Konzerte bleiben für Schweizer U2 Fans in bester Erinnerung, wurden aber auch weltweit verewigt.

Das Photo, das auf dem Frontcover der U2 DVD "Elevation 2001 - U2 Live from Boston" zu sehen ist, stammt nämlich vom ersten dieser beiden Konzerte im Zürcher Hallenstadion. Dieses Photo hat Siggi Bucher für Reuters Schweiz geschossen.

[arrow Zum Siggi Bucher Interview auf] Frequent U2 photographer Anton Corbijn has updated his online journal to include the following musings about his recent photo shoot with U2:

a quick update of the last 4 weeks in my life - life indeed flies by so i am trying to make the most of it by looking at many people and sights with one eye closed and then looking later again, once that vision is printed, with both eyes. do try this at home kids! with this method in mind, i visited portugal for a good few days at the end of april, early may, to see how that would work as a background for the new U2 photographs and i was pleasantly surprised.

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