Mittwoch, 9. Juni 2004 Bob Geldof recently found pirate Live Aid DVDs being sold at £110 on the Internet. He spotted the DVDs on sale at the end of last year and told his lawyers to alert authorities, who launched an investigation.
Police carried out a raid in Skelmersdale and found a small quantity of Live Aid DVDs and other concerts by bands like Pink Floyd and U2.
The concert, split between London and Philadelphia, brought together stars including U2, Queen and Madonna - but has never come out on CD, video or DVD. Organisers now hope to auction the rights to release a DVD very soon. [
Police carried out a raid in Skelmersdale and found a small quantity of Live Aid DVDs and other concerts by bands like Pink Floyd and U2.
The concert, split between London and Philadelphia, brought together stars including U2, Queen and Madonna - but has never come out on CD, video or DVD. Organisers now hope to auction the rights to release a DVD very soon. [

noch kein Kommentar - Kommentar verfassen An Interference reader was lucky enough to meet Bono and Edge at the U2 studio in Dublin yesterday and got a taste of the upcoming U2 album, tentatively due in October/November 2004. The fan was "very excited" by what he heard. [

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dotmusic: Bono, Morrissey and Sir Paul McCartney are amongst the nominations for the inaugural 'Mojo' awards.
The magazine, reflecting their more 'mature' readership, have announced details of their first rock'n'roll hall of fame.
The nominations are intended to honour acts and musicians apparently overlooked by other ceremonies and will be announced at the Banqueting House in London later this month. [
The magazine, reflecting their more 'mature' readership, have announced details of their first rock'n'roll hall of fame.
The nominations are intended to honour acts and musicians apparently overlooked by other ceremonies and will be announced at the Banqueting House in London later this month. [

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dotmusic: U2's new album will be released before the end of the year, according to comments from their manager Paul McGuiness.
The band have been working on the long-awaited follow-up to 2000's "All That You Can't Leave Behind", for some months.
However, the record is finally said to be nearing completion, McGuiness recently commented, hinting that the album should be out by November.
The currently untitled record is believed to have been produced by Chris Thomas and Steve Lillywhite, with Universal Records big-shout Jimmy Lovine now said to be overseeing final recordings with the band in France.
Details have already emerged of numerous tracks, including "Full Metal Jacket" – described by Bono as "the mother of all rock tunes" – and there is also understood to be a track called "Tough" on the album, which is a tribute to Bono's father, who died in 2001.
A single is expected from the album in September, with the band said to be kicking-off a world tour in Miami in March 2005.
The band have been working on the long-awaited follow-up to 2000's "All That You Can't Leave Behind", for some months.
However, the record is finally said to be nearing completion, McGuiness recently commented, hinting that the album should be out by November.
The currently untitled record is believed to have been produced by Chris Thomas and Steve Lillywhite, with Universal Records big-shout Jimmy Lovine now said to be overseeing final recordings with the band in France.
Details have already emerged of numerous tracks, including "Full Metal Jacket" – described by Bono as "the mother of all rock tunes" – and there is also understood to be a track called "Tough" on the album, which is a tribute to Bono's father, who died in 2001.
A single is expected from the album in September, with the band said to be kicking-off a world tour in Miami in March 2005.
noch kein Kommentar - Kommentar verfassen Fans will have the opportunity to understand what Bono means when he says U2 come from punk rock with the future release of Punk: An Attitude. [

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