WHEN Bono takes to the stage next Wednesday afternoon peering through his trademark wraparound shades, the audience will be composed, not of screaming fans, but the sober-suited ranks of the Labour Party conference.
Brighton is the latest stop in an unconventional tour - both Republican and Democratic party conventions have already been addressed - by a man described in the US political press as "the world’s second most important politician".
Enjoying the spotlight of guest speaker, an appellation previously given to political heavyweights such as Bill Clinton and Nelson Mandela, the lead singer of U2 (real name Paul Hewson), will challenge the government to help eradicate Third World debt. [
Brighton is the latest stop in an unconventional tour - both Republican and Democratic party conventions have already been addressed - by a man described in the US political press as "the world’s second most important politician".
Enjoying the spotlight of guest speaker, an appellation previously given to political heavyweights such as Bill Clinton and Nelson Mandela, the lead singer of U2 (real name Paul Hewson), will challenge the government to help eradicate Third World debt. [