Mittwoch, 29. September 2004 As glowing tributes go, it doesn't exactly trip off the tongue.
But Irish rock star Bono certainly knows how to push the right buttons.
Addressing the Labour party's annual conference in Brighton, he dubbed the Gordon Brown and Tony Blair the Lennon and McCartney of global development.
In his student days, when he was lead singer of a rock band, Ugly Rumour, Mr Blair was, apparently, more of a Mick Jagger man.
But in a week when kind words have been thin on the ground, the prime minister looked more than happy to accept the Irish rock star's compliment.
In fact both Blair and Brown grinned away like autograph-hunting schoolboys as the U2 man made his point.
You half expected one of them to whip out a battered copy of The Joshua Tree and shuffle forward, biro in hand. [
But Irish rock star Bono certainly knows how to push the right buttons.
Addressing the Labour party's annual conference in Brighton, he dubbed the Gordon Brown and Tony Blair the Lennon and McCartney of global development.
In his student days, when he was lead singer of a rock band, Ugly Rumour, Mr Blair was, apparently, more of a Mick Jagger man.
But in a week when kind words have been thin on the ground, the prime minister looked more than happy to accept the Irish rock star's compliment.
In fact both Blair and Brown grinned away like autograph-hunting schoolboys as the U2 man made his point.
You half expected one of them to whip out a battered copy of The Joshua Tree and shuffle forward, biro in hand. [

noch kein Kommentar - Kommentar verfassen U2 haben die Songliste ihres mit Spannung erwarteten Albums "How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb" bekannt gegeben. Nicht dabei sind die Tracks "Tough" oder "Full Metal Jacket", die Bandmitglieder vorab als mögliche CD-Titel genannt hatten.
Unter den neu angekündigten Titeln sind "Miracle Drug", "One Step Closer" und "Love and Peace or Else". Die erste Singleauskopplung "Vertigo" soll nach drei Tagen Radiopräsenz schon diese Woche in die Top 20 der Billboard Modern Rock Track Charts und die Top 30 der Mainstream Rock Tracks aufsteigen. [
Unter den neu angekündigten Titeln sind "Miracle Drug", "One Step Closer" und "Love and Peace or Else". Die erste Singleauskopplung "Vertigo" soll nach drei Tagen Radiopräsenz schon diese Woche in die Top 20 der Billboard Modern Rock Track Charts und die Top 30 der Mainstream Rock Tracks aufsteigen. [

noch kein Kommentar - Kommentar verfassen Der Popstar Bono hat auf dem Parteitag der britischen Labour Party zum Kampf gegen Aids und Armut in Afrika aufgerufen. Im Bestreben, die Geißel der afrikanischen Bevölkerung auszulöschen, müssten sich Europa und die Vereinigten Staaten zusammenschließen, forderte der Sänger der irischen Gruppe U2 am Mittwoch unter dem Beifall der Delegierten im südenglischen Seebad Brighton. Dabei hatte er viel Lob für die britische Regierung übrig. [

noch kein Kommentar - Kommentar verfassen Ahead of his speech to the Labour Party Conference in the UK this afternoon, Sean O’Hagan of The Observer profiled Bono’s campaigning work. [

noch kein Kommentar - Kommentar verfassen U2's lead singer and debt campaigner Bono has told the Labour Party conference today that Africa must have justice, not just aid.
In his guest speaker's address to delegates, Bono said: "It is not about charity it is about justice". He told his listeners that the situation in Africa "would never be allowed to happen anywhere else."
6500 Africans dying every day due to preventable diseases, he said, is not just an "emergency but a crisis" and needs to be treated as such by the media and governments, Bono argued.
Bono is the latest in the series of high profile international figures to address the Labour Party conference, following on from Nelson Mandela, Bill Clinton and the new president of Afghanistan Hamid Karzai. [
In his guest speaker's address to delegates, Bono said: "It is not about charity it is about justice". He told his listeners that the situation in Africa "would never be allowed to happen anywhere else."
6500 Africans dying every day due to preventable diseases, he said, is not just an "emergency but a crisis" and needs to be treated as such by the media and governments, Bono argued.
Bono is the latest in the series of high profile international figures to address the Labour Party conference, following on from Nelson Mandela, Bill Clinton and the new president of Afghanistan Hamid Karzai. [

noch kein Kommentar - Kommentar verfassen Rock superstar Bono today urged Tony Blair and Gordon Brown to use Britain’s influence to transform the future of Africa.
The U2 frontman called on the two men to use Britain’s presidency of the G8 and EU next year to lead an international effort to tackle the continent’s poverty.
Bono made his remarks in an address to the Labour Party conference in Brighton, where he was international guest speaker. [
The U2 frontman called on the two men to use Britain’s presidency of the G8 and EU next year to lead an international effort to tackle the continent’s poverty.
Bono made his remarks in an address to the Labour Party conference in Brighton, where he was international guest speaker. [

noch kein Kommentar - Kommentar verfassen The fact that rock singer Bono was invited to speak at the Labour Party conference confirms his rare ability to combine the duties of a pop star with those of a global campaigner.
Bono has consistently used his position as frontman of one of the most popular rock acts in the world to draw attention to human rights issues, from the need for famine relief in Ethiopia to criticising nuclear tests in France.
His high-profile meetings with world leaders such as President George Bush and Pope John Paul II followed dubious nightly attempts to telephone the White House live from U2's concert stage. [
Bono has consistently used his position as frontman of one of the most popular rock acts in the world to draw attention to human rights issues, from the need for famine relief in Ethiopia to criticising nuclear tests in France.
His high-profile meetings with world leaders such as President George Bush and Pope John Paul II followed dubious nightly attempts to telephone the White House live from U2's concert stage. [

noch kein Kommentar - Kommentar verfassen U2 fans will gather in Los Angeles in October to take attend a U2 Convention.
The convention at the Ontario Convention Centre will give fans a chance to buy, sell and trade collectibles and view a collection of U2 photographers from famed photographer Otto Kitsinger. [
The convention at the Ontario Convention Centre will give fans a chance to buy, sell and trade collectibles and view a collection of U2 photographers from famed photographer Otto Kitsinger. [

noch kein Kommentar - Kommentar verfassen Australian radio network Triple M has apologised for misleading listeners that it had the worldwide exclusive to play the new U2 single 'Vertigo'.
In a statement, Program Director Mike Fitzpatrick said "We got a little excited when we were delivered the new U2 track first thing on Friday morning (via Musicpoint) Obviously a band as big as U2 needs access to every radio station which they got when the track was placed on Muiscpoint..." [
In a statement, Program Director Mike Fitzpatrick said "We got a little excited when we were delivered the new U2 track first thing on Friday morning (via Musicpoint) Obviously a band as big as U2 needs access to every radio station which they got when the track was placed on Muiscpoint..." [

noch kein Kommentar - Kommentar verfassen Bono, lead singer with the Irish rock band U2, is to take centre stage at the Labour Party conference on Wednesday.
The star and global campaigner will call for action to combat the spread of Aids and ease Africa's burden of debt.
Bono has praised the government's decision to increase its contribution to the global fight against HIV/Aids. [
The star and global campaigner will call for action to combat the spread of Aids and ease Africa's burden of debt.
Bono has praised the government's decision to increase its contribution to the global fight against HIV/Aids. [

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