The future needs a big kiss! The music from the good ol' days lives on. I'm talking U2 from the '80s and early '90s. I'm talking Boy, War, The Unforgettable Fire, The Joshua Tree and Achtung Baby. Bono, Larry Mullen, Adam Clayton and The Edge have been working hard to bring back that loving feeling that everyone came to know. In 1997, U2 tried, or rather somewhat half-assed it, and put out Pop, an album that didn't exactly "pop" in anyone's head. In 2000, we were treated to the four-time platinum, single-yielding All That You Can't Leave Behind, but once again were disappointed to find a pathetic excuse for what we knew as U2. Four years later we have the latest from the Irish band. Their latest attempt at that special something is How To Dismantle an Atomic Bomb. [arrow more]

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