The first ever Los Angeles U2 Fan Convention to be held Sunday October 10, 2004 at the Ontario Convention Center - Ontario, California.

Elevation USA, the band that seeks to “recreate the total U2 concert experience in both sight and sound” in their performances, will head to the Ontario Convention Center on Sunday, October 10th, to take part in the first ever Los Angeles U2 fan celebration.
Sponsored by, “This is the first ever U2 fan celebration in Los Angeles,” said Amita Patel, OVCB’s director of sales and marketing. “I am thrilled that this celebration will take place right here at the Convention Center.” The scheduled events for the U2 fan celebration at the Ontario Convention Center include not only the live Elevation USA performance, but also all-day video shows, door prizes (including autographed copies of Carter Alan's book), trivia contests, freebie tables by Bags Unlimited and Goldmine magazine and live unplugged band karaoke with the L.A. U2 tribute band Joshua Tree. [

Elevation USA, the band that seeks to “recreate the total U2 concert experience in both sight and sound” in their performances, will head to the Ontario Convention Center on Sunday, October 10th, to take part in the first ever Los Angeles U2 fan celebration.
Sponsored by, “This is the first ever U2 fan celebration in Los Angeles,” said Amita Patel, OVCB’s director of sales and marketing. “I am thrilled that this celebration will take place right here at the Convention Center.” The scheduled events for the U2 fan celebration at the Ontario Convention Center include not only the live Elevation USA performance, but also all-day video shows, door prizes (including autographed copies of Carter Alan's book), trivia contests, freebie tables by Bags Unlimited and Goldmine magazine and live unplugged band karaoke with the L.A. U2 tribute band Joshua Tree. [