Mittwoch, 20. Oktober 2004 U2, ASH, ELVIS COSTELLO, DAVID HOLMES, IGGY POP and THE UNDERTONES are amongst the artists who feature in a photo exhibition opening in BELFAST today (October 20). [

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A single copy of the album How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb, one of three in existence, is on a global tour for preview sessions.
Chris Dwyer, of the band's record company Island, arrived yesterday with the disc in a briefcase handcuffed to her arm. [ Auf ihrem neuen Album «How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb» widmen U2 einem Jugendfreund einen Song, der seine Krankheit besiegte und ein Genie wurde.
Der Track «Miracle Drug» ehrt die Mutter von Christopher Nolan, die überzeugt war, dass der Unterricht für ihren querschnittsgelähmten Sohn keine Zeitverschwendung war. [
Der Track «Miracle Drug» ehrt die Mutter von Christopher Nolan, die überzeugt war, dass der Unterricht für ihren querschnittsgelähmten Sohn keine Zeitverschwendung war. [

noch kein Kommentar - Kommentar verfassen U2 frontman and global activist Bono is one of three individuals to be awarded the inaugural (US) TED Prize from the conference of Technology, Entertainment, Design in California.
Bono will share the prize with Canadian photographer Edward Burtynsky and biomedical engineer Robert Fischell. [
Bono will share the prize with Canadian photographer Edward Burtynsky and biomedical engineer Robert Fischell. [

noch kein Kommentar - Kommentar verfassen Just in case your power’s been out for, oh, about eight months now, here’s some exciting news for you: U2 have a new record coming out.
The band's publicity wheels have been turning for quite some time now and it seems every day brings another U2 news item to our door. As predictable as the sunrise, here’s some more album promotion craziness from Bono and the gang… [
The band's publicity wheels have been turning for quite some time now and it seems every day brings another U2 news item to our door. As predictable as the sunrise, here’s some more album promotion craziness from Bono and the gang… [

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