Donnerstag, 9. September 2004 Ok, so the wait is nearly over and the new album is on the way. So what do we know... and what do we not know!
There’s still a lot to be revealed in the coming weeks, but, when you pull it all together, quite a few of the vital statistics are already out there. We figured it might be time to separate some of the facts from some of the wilder flights of virtual imagination and online chatter. Of course, some of these outrageously speculative stories may yet turn out to be bang on the money - others will fade within days into the obscurity of rock'n roll trivia quizzes.
So here’s our top ten checklist to guide you through the jungle of rumour and speculation. [
There’s still a lot to be revealed in the coming weeks, but, when you pull it all together, quite a few of the vital statistics are already out there. We figured it might be time to separate some of the facts from some of the wilder flights of virtual imagination and online chatter. Of course, some of these outrageously speculative stories may yet turn out to be bang on the money - others will fade within days into the obscurity of rock'n roll trivia quizzes.
So here’s our top ten checklist to guide you through the jungle of rumour and speculation. [

noch kein Kommentar - Kommentar verfassen U2 has been named in tentative plans for a stadium show at the MCG in 2006.
Sources at the Melbourne Cricket Club say a major promoter has floated the prospect of talks about a proposed U2 tour. [
Sources at the Melbourne Cricket Club say a major promoter has floated the prospect of talks about a proposed U2 tour. [

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