The future needs a big kiss!

Sonntag, 4. Juli 2004 For a venture capital firm seeking more than $1 billion to invest in media and technology start-ups, nothing helps attract attention like a celebrity. Elevation Partners has landed a whopper: Bono, of the rock band U2.

The singer, who has worked for years for debt relief for developing nations, was recruited by Roger McNamee and John Riccitiello, Elevation's founders. Bono's exact role at Elevation, which coincidentally shares a name with U2's 2001 Grammy-winning song, is unclear. [arrow more] Didi von konnte in den letzten beiden Wochen mit seiner Frau Urlaub in Irland einschl. Dublin geniessen. Da durfte ein Besuch bei 'der Band' natürlich nicht fehlen. [arrow more]

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