Montag, 10. Mai 2004

To begin with, it is acknowledged that Larry Mullen Jr., posted the notice that started the band, the Edge built his own guitar, and Bono was a charismatic son of a gun with a penchant for world causes. Fair enough. But, U2 could not be U2 without the unique qualities brought to the table by all four of its members. And now the time has come to bring Adam Clayton out of the shadows and celebrate the highlights of his distinguished career. [

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It comes as no surprise, therefore, to learn that Iris Hewson was told by a fortuneteller that she would bear a son, whose name would start with “P”, and who would achieve fame in whatever life he chose.
That, at least, is the story Bill Flanagan tells in U2: At the End of the World. Prophecy? Blind luck on the part of the fortuneteller? Simply a grand story by Bob Hewson? It doesn’t matter. As the man himself has said, “Never let the truth get in the way of a good story.” [

noch kein Kommentar - Kommentar verfassen Last week U2log asked our friend Derek McAllister to check in on the “In the Time of Shaking” exhibition opening at the Irish Museum of Modern Art in Dublin, where Edge introduced Yoko Ono to a gallery filled with socialites and media. Asked if he was happy with the new album to date, Edge told Derek,... [

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Bono appealed to Americans to help fight Aids in Africa and thanked Pope John Paul II for his work in fighting poverty and disease in Africa.
Bono's lengthy speech at the concert was introduced by de Niro, who helped organise the festival two-and-a-half years ago in response to the September 11 terrorist attacks... [

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The Grand Total For the "2004 Bono Birthday Wells Fundraiser" Is.....
$15,757.60 (USD)!
Once again, U2 fans responded generously making this year's fundraiser a tremendous success! Almost 300 of you gave to the "Make it a Beautiful Day in Africa" campaign. On behalf of Africare and the people of Ethiopia, the African Well Fund would like to thank you for your generosity.
The birthday messages for Bono left on our site have been delivered to Principle Management, along with an announcement of the amount raised. In the coming months, we will be providing more information about the well projects funded by this campaign as it becomes available.
$15,757.60 (USD)!

The birthday messages for Bono left on our site have been delivered to Principle Management, along with an announcement of the amount raised. In the coming months, we will be providing more information about the well projects funded by this campaign as it becomes available.
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U2-Frontman Bono feiert heute seinen 44. Geburtstag!
Paul David Hewson, wie er mit bürgerlichem Namen heißt, wird heute, am 10. Mai, 44 Jahre alt. Seine Fans kennen ihn allerdings besser unter seinem Künstlernamen 'Bono', Frontmann und Sänger der irischen Rockband 'U2'.
Bereits seit über 20 Jahren ist Bono mit seiner Truppe eine Kultfigur und in der internationalen Rockszene nicht mehr wegzudenken. Verkaufsrekorde bei den Alben 'The Joshua Tree' und 'Rattle and Hum', könnten sogar den Beatles Konkurrenz machen.
Bono wuchs in den politischen Wirren Nordirlands auf. Seine Mutter starb früh. 1976 gründete er eine Band und wurde dort Sänger. Bereits 1978 gewannen sie einen Wettbewerb. Kurze Zeit später entstand 'U2'.

Bereits seit über 20 Jahren ist Bono mit seiner Truppe eine Kultfigur und in der internationalen Rockszene nicht mehr wegzudenken. Verkaufsrekorde bei den Alben 'The Joshua Tree' und 'Rattle and Hum', könnten sogar den Beatles Konkurrenz machen.
Bono wuchs in den politischen Wirren Nordirlands auf. Seine Mutter starb früh. 1976 gründete er eine Band und wurde dort Sänger. Bereits 1978 gewannen sie einen Wettbewerb. Kurze Zeit später entstand 'U2'.
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