Donnerstag, 17. Februar 2005 Rock star Bono is among 166 nominees for the 2005 Nobel Peace Prize, with relief groups helping victims of the Indian Ocean tsunami among the favourites. [

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Dienstag, 15. Februar 2005 180 Kartenbestellungen für das U2-Konzert am 2. Juli in Wien konnten bei der BA-CA wegen einer "totalen Systemüberlastung" nicht erfüllt werden. Die Betroffenen bekommen nun einen Gutschein. [

Donnerstag, 10. Februar 2005 Das Konzert der Rockband U2 im Zürcher Letzigrund ist auf den 18. Juli verschoben worden. Wie die Konzertagentur Good News mitteilte, beginnt der Vorverkauf neu am 14. Februar. [

noch kein Kommentar - Kommentar verfassen Wie berichtet, beginnt am Samstag, 12. Februar, um 9.00 Uhr der Vorverkauf für die Tickets der drei deutschen U2-Konzerte. Der Ausverkauf scheint vorprogrammiert, die spannende Frage ist: Vergehen Minuten oder Stunden bis zum "Sold-Out"? Veranstalter Ossy Hoppe erwartet einen neuen Rekord, wie er im "Musikmarkt"-Exklusivinterview verriet. [

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In der Vergangenheit waren es der Terror in Nordirland, der Völkermord in Bosnien, die Waffenlobby in den USA oder die Fremdenfeindlichkeit in Deutschland. Er warb für die Freilassung der burmesischen Friedensnobelpreisträgerin Aung San Suu Kyi, für Amnesty International und Greenpeace sowieso und in jüngster Zeit vor allem um Unterstützung im Kampf gegen Aids in Afrika. Nein, es gab in den vergangenen 25 Jahren kaum ein tagespolitisches Reiz-Thema, das der Sänger der irischen Rock-Band U 2 nicht auch zu "seinem" Thema gemacht hätte. Von den Kritikern ist er als missionarischer Eiferer und pathetischster Prediger des Rock gescholten worden. [

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Mittwoch, 9. Februar 2005 U2 fans hoping to snap up tickets for their sold-out gigs at Croke Park this summer were warned last night not to buy tickets on the internet that could be fakes.
Ticketmaster, the official ticket agent for the two upcoming Dublin dates, said all 160,000 tickets sold out in 50 minutes when they went on sale on Friday. [
Ticketmaster, the official ticket agent for the two upcoming Dublin dates, said all 160,000 tickets sold out in 50 minutes when they went on sale on Friday. [

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Dienstag, 8. Februar 2005

In kürzester Zeit war das U2-Konzert, das am 2. Juli im Wiener Ernst-Happel-Stadion über die Bühne gehen wird, restlos ausverkauft. Hannes hätte nichts Besseres passieren können: Der 23-jährige Student hat im Vorverkauf acht Karten erworben. "Zwei für mich und meine Freundin. Mit den anderen hab' ich mir den Skiurlaub finanziert", grinst der angehende Betriebswirt.
Die restlichen Tickets hat der findige junge Mann nämlich über das Internet-Auktionshaus eBay versteigert. Zwei Stehplatzkarten, die ihn zusammen 129 Euro gekostet haben, fanden am Mittwochnachmittag um 320 Euro einen Abnehmer. Bereits mit der ersten Versteigerung hatte der Student einen Gewinn von mehr als 100 Euro eingestreift: "Die zwei Karten, die ich noch hab', werd' ich erst in ein paar Wochen anbieten. Vielleicht ist da ja noch mehr drinnen." [

noch kein Kommentar - Kommentar verfassen A third Irish U2 concert is not off the cards yet with the four band members actively considering whether to play another date in Dublin.
Speculation about a third date has been rife since the 160,000 tickets for the first two shows sold out in a record 50 minutes.
But it is believed that the decision is now down to the band, who are considering personal reasons before committing to playing June 26. [
Speculation about a third date has been rife since the 160,000 tickets for the first two shows sold out in a record 50 minutes.
But it is believed that the decision is now down to the band, who are considering personal reasons before committing to playing June 26. [

noch kein Kommentar - Kommentar verfassen Snow Patrol have announced that they will be supporting U2 on a series of their European dates, including one of the Croke Park shows. [

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Montag, 7. Februar 2005 Singer Bono cites U2's appalling sense of fashion as the main reason fans at their early gigs dismissed them as an "awkward" band destined for a disappointing music career.
The Irish rockers had tried on "various guises" during the early 1980s before acquiring the look they felt most comfortable with, much to the shock of their followers who expected U2 to adopt a look similar to that of their extravagantly-dressed contemporaries. [
The Irish rockers had tried on "various guises" during the early 1980s before acquiring the look they felt most comfortable with, much to the shock of their followers who expected U2 to adopt a look similar to that of their extravagantly-dressed contemporaries. [

noch kein Kommentar - Kommentar verfassen Ulster concertgoers - wondering if they will be 'With or Without U2' in the province this summer - can wonder no more.
For Sunday Life can exclusively reveal that the rock superstars will definitely NOT be visiting in Belfast - despite lead singer Bono's past promises to include the city on its upcoming world tour. [
For Sunday Life can exclusively reveal that the rock superstars will definitely NOT be visiting in Belfast - despite lead singer Bono's past promises to include the city on its upcoming world tour. [

noch kein Kommentar - Kommentar verfassen Vote now for U2 - and U2.Com - in the annual NME Awards.
U2 and U2.Com are nominated for a clutch of gongs in the annual 'ShockWaves NME Awards'.
U2 are up for 'Best International Band' - and facing hot competition from The Killers, Kings of Leon, Scissor Sisters and The Strokes. [
U2 and U2.Com are nominated for a clutch of gongs in the annual 'ShockWaves NME Awards'.
U2 are up for 'Best International Band' - and facing hot competition from The Killers, Kings of Leon, Scissor Sisters and The Strokes. [

noch kein Kommentar - Kommentar verfassen Seit Montag um 9.00 Uhr ist das Konzert von U2 am 2. Juli im Wiener Ernst-Happel-Stadion endgültig "ausverkauft". Die letzten Ticketkontingente wurden heute vergeben. [

noch kein Kommentar - Kommentar verfassen The best classic song to drive along to is U2’s Beautiful Day, according to a poll of motorists.
The anthem — sung by Bono — pipped Queen’s We Are The Champions and Eric Clapton’s Layla. [
The anthem — sung by Bono — pipped Queen’s We Are The Champions and Eric Clapton’s Layla. [

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Sonntag, 6. Februar 2005

noch kein Kommentar - Kommentar verfassen Entertainment promoters MCD has moved to quell rumours U2 will play a third concert in Croke Park this summer. [

noch kein Kommentar - Kommentar verfassen U2's Larry Mullen was so worked up about the pre-sale ticket debacle on that he has written an apology to fans.
"There was a mess up in the way the tickets were distributed through for the Vertigo pre-sale. Some of it was beyond our control, but some of it wasn't" Mullen writes at [
"There was a mess up in the way the tickets were distributed through for the Vertigo pre-sale. Some of it was beyond our control, but some of it wasn't" Mullen writes at [

noch kein Kommentar - Kommentar verfassen Croke Park has written to more than 10,000 premium ticket holders telling them that U2 will be playing at the stadium on three nights in June, despite the fact that promoter MCD insisted last week that the band would play only two gigs.

noch kein Kommentar - Kommentar verfassen Some cities had up to 4 shows but tickets still sold out in minutes. David Boitano CEO of states “Even we were taken back by the huge demand and speed at which the tickets were sold”. U2 has stated that the main floor will be all general admission standing and sold at a face value of $49.75 which was the lowest price ticket. First elevation tickets in most cities carried a face value of $165.00 with the upper level seats at $90.00 each. There were additional charges which include service fee, city or state taxes were applicable and delivery. [

noch kein Kommentar - Kommentar verfassen Another strong week for U2 ticket sales indicates demand hasn't abated for the first leg of shows on their 2005 tour.
Quick sell-outs in Phoenix, Seattle and Vancouver prompted the addition of a new show in each of those markets. Combined with the previously-announced addition of a second Denver date, U2's North American itinerary now stretches to 28 shows across 13 markets. [
Quick sell-outs in Phoenix, Seattle and Vancouver prompted the addition of a new show in each of those markets. Combined with the previously-announced addition of a second Denver date, U2's North American itinerary now stretches to 28 shows across 13 markets. [

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