Donnerstag, 27. Jänner 2005 Tony Blair will appear today alongside former US president Bill Clinton and U2 star Bono in an attempt to focus the world spotlight on the plight of Africa. The three men will share a platform at the World Economic Forum in the Swiss ski resort of Davos where 2,500 political and business leaders have gathered to address key issues facing the world economy.
Also joining them will be Microsoft founder Bill Gates - who has just pledged £400 million of his personal fortune towards making vital vaccines available in the Third World - as well as the South African leader Thabo Mbeki and President Olusegun Obesanjo of Nigeria. [
Also joining them will be Microsoft founder Bill Gates - who has just pledged £400 million of his personal fortune towards making vital vaccines available in the Third World - as well as the South African leader Thabo Mbeki and President Olusegun Obesanjo of Nigeria. [

noch kein Kommentar - Kommentar verfassen An Internet presale deal has some local U2 fans up in arms. They claim the so-called "preferred seating" offered for the band's May FleetCenter shows was no such thing.
The sale, which began Tuesday, gave members of the band's subscription service,, the chance to buy tickets through Ticketmaster before they go on sale to the public Saturday. But fans said the seats available to the May 24 and 26 concerts were no better than those that will be offered this weekend. By the time fans got online, they said the better seats had all been snatched up. [
The sale, which began Tuesday, gave members of the band's subscription service,, the chance to buy tickets through Ticketmaster before they go on sale to the public Saturday. But fans said the seats available to the May 24 and 26 concerts were no better than those that will be offered this weekend. By the time fans got online, they said the better seats had all been snatched up. [

noch kein Kommentar - Kommentar verfassen Rocker BONO is releasing a book of 'conversations' with novelist pal MICHKA ASSAYAS, because he has "stories to tell that aren't songs".
The U2 frontman has no plans to ever write memoirs- but he feels after over 20 years in the spotlight, there are stories he wants to share with fans. [
The U2 frontman has no plans to ever write memoirs- but he feels after over 20 years in the spotlight, there are stories he wants to share with fans. [

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