Dienstag, 14. Dezember 2004
u2.com: Dublin’s Gaiety Theatre was the venue yesterday, as the band shot a video for ‘Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own’. U2.Com was on set.
Unbeknownst to the thousands of children and families who will visit Dublin’s Gaiety Theatre over the Christmas pantomime season, there is a strange connection between this august venue and the shooting of a new U2 video. [
Unbeknownst to the thousands of children and families who will visit Dublin’s Gaiety Theatre over the Christmas pantomime season, there is a strange connection between this august venue and the shooting of a new U2 video. [

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u2.com: U2 will begin a ten month world tour in the US on March 1st, manager Paul McGuinness has told U2.Com.
The band are set to play 115 shows beginning in Florida in the Spring, reaching Europe in June, heading back to North America in the Autumn before finishing up in Japan and Australia in November and December. [
The band are set to play 115 shows beginning in Florida in the Spring, reaching Europe in June, heading back to North America in the Autumn before finishing up in Japan and Australia in November and December. [

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u2.com: 'All Because of You' is to be U2's second single in North America, while 'Sometimes You Can't Make it On Your Own' is set for release in the rest of the world.
Both tracks are taken from the multi-million selling album 'How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb'.
It's not the first time that the band has released different tracks as a second single from an album. [
Both tracks are taken from the multi-million selling album 'How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb'.
It's not the first time that the band has released different tracks as a second single from an album. [

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Arena hin, Arena her: Die Tournee der Mega-Band U2 wird an Düsseldorf vorbei laufen. Zwar waren Arena-Mana-gement und Konzertveranstalter wie berichtet ausgesprochen interessiert daran, die irischen Weltstars im nächsten Sommer einem vermutlich ausverkauften Haus in Stockum zu präsentieren. Wie die NRZ erfuhr, passen nun jedoch die Terminwünsche nicht übereinander. Etwa zur gleichen Zeit treten die Footballer der Europaliga zum World-Bowl-Finale an. Die Unterschriften, um das Sport- und Show-Spektakel nach Düsseldorf zu holen, sind nur noch Formsache. [

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