Montag, 22. November 2004 The rumours are true - the band are set to appear in a few hours time in New York City. Details below.
U2 will make a brief TV taping at The Empire, Fulton Ferry State Park, east side of the East River, just north of Brooklyn Bridge. [
U2 will make a brief TV taping at The Empire, Fulton Ferry State Park, east side of the East River, just north of Brooklyn Bridge. [

noch kein Kommentar - Kommentar verfassen Sometimes a rock band can worm its way into your cranium and remain there throughout all the significant moments of your adult life. Most people have an angel on one shoulder and a devil on the other, each whispering in one ear, each vying for attention. With me, U2 has always been the group playing in the background while that battle for my soul raged. [

noch kein Kommentar - Kommentar verfassen A TINY technology firm set up by U2 is taking on Microsoft, the software giant, in an American court., which is partly owned by the band, alleges that Microsoft routinely destroys legally sensitive internal documents.
The company is suing Microsoft for theft of its patented technology and for anti-competitive practices. It alleges that Microsoft “as a matter of institutional policy has decided to destroy e-mails in anticipation of litigation”.
U2 invested $2m (€1.3m) in more than a decade ago. The band used its data-streaming technology to broadcast its 1997 PopMart concert over the internet.
The company is suing Microsoft for theft of its patented technology and for anti-competitive practices. It alleges that Microsoft “as a matter of institutional policy has decided to destroy e-mails in anticipation of litigation”.
U2 invested $2m (€1.3m) in more than a decade ago. The band used its data-streaming technology to broadcast its 1997 PopMart concert over the internet.

noch kein Kommentar - Kommentar verfassen «Hello, hello»: Vier Jahre haben die Fans der irischen Erfolgsband U2 auf ein neues Album gewartet; vier lange Jahre Warten auf einen neuen Trend, einen neuen Sound?
Doch was Charismatiker Bono und seine Band mit «How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb» abgeliefert haben, ist weniger als das und doch viel mehr: Ein Rock-Album, das die Rock'n'Roll-Herkunft der Band aus den 80ern mit ihrem unterkühlten, verzerrten Sound der 90er versöhnt - dazu die über allem erhaben schmachtende Stimme von Bono. Eine Rückkehr zu alter Stärke - und ganz nebenbei möglicherweise die Rettung des Pop. [
Doch was Charismatiker Bono und seine Band mit «How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb» abgeliefert haben, ist weniger als das und doch viel mehr: Ein Rock-Album, das die Rock'n'Roll-Herkunft der Band aus den 80ern mit ihrem unterkühlten, verzerrten Sound der 90er versöhnt - dazu die über allem erhaben schmachtende Stimme von Bono. Eine Rückkehr zu alter Stärke - und ganz nebenbei möglicherweise die Rettung des Pop. [

noch kein Kommentar - Kommentar verfassen U2, who release their 13th album in 25 years in the UK on Monday, are stubbornly clinging to their status as one of the biggest bands in the world.

noch kein Kommentar - Kommentar verfassen Twenty-eight years after forming in Dublin, U2 has become the Rolling Stones. Both superstar acts have larger-than-life frontmen whose posing and preening is both their strength and their weakness. Both boast perpetually cool guitarists who serve as the groups' musical engines, and both have secret weapons in the form of deceptively simple but amazingly powerful drummers. [

noch kein Kommentar - Kommentar verfassen Famous U2 lead-singer Bono is reported to have said that he didn't want to perform his famous ‘God’ line again for the new Band Aid record, according to news agency API.
The singer revealed that he wanted some different lines this time, because he had hated recording the lyric ‘Tonight, thank God it's them instead of you’ for the original Do They Know It's Christmas? record in 1984.
‘I begged them not to make me do it, saying, “Isn't there another line you could take?” Because, last time, I recorded the whole song," he was quoted as saying.
The singer revealed that he wanted some different lines this time, because he had hated recording the lyric ‘Tonight, thank God it's them instead of you’ for the original Do They Know It's Christmas? record in 1984.
‘I begged them not to make me do it, saying, “Isn't there another line you could take?” Because, last time, I recorded the whole song," he was quoted as saying.

noch kein Kommentar - Kommentar verfassen Bono called U2's last CD, "All That You Can't Leave Behind," its re-application for the title of "world's best rock and roll band." U2's new CD, "How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb" (Interscope), shows that the Irish band not only got the job, but it spent the past few years making sure no one can take that title away.

noch kein Kommentar - Kommentar verfassen Keep your ears open tomorrow as you walk around Washington Square Park for a distinct Irish wail.
Rumors are flying that U2 will play a surprise show in the park tomorrow afternoon.
A Web log about the band,, posted that the concert will begin anytime from 1 to 3:30 p.m. A New York City spokesman confirmed that the area around the park is booked for a block party or street activity, though the official said he had no information on who booked the area. [
Rumors are flying that U2 will play a surprise show in the park tomorrow afternoon.
A Web log about the band,, posted that the concert will begin anytime from 1 to 3:30 p.m. A New York City spokesman confirmed that the area around the park is booked for a block party or street activity, though the official said he had no information on who booked the area. [

noch kein Kommentar - Kommentar verfassen Musikalische Sprengkraft: 0. Politische Sprengkraft: 0. Emotionale Sprengkraft: 100. Mit ihrer heute erscheinenden neuen CD «How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb» führen U2 ihren Zurück-zu-den-Wurzeln-Kurs fort. [

noch kein Kommentar - Kommentar verfassen It must be grand being a member of U2 and knowing that every album you put out will be a success. Albums released by the Irish supergroup almost immediately become a standard by which other rock albums are measured. While younger bands struggle to find ways to expand their sound without alienating a fickle fan base, U2 goes anywhere it wants and confidently tells its listeners, "This is what you need." [

noch kein Kommentar - Kommentar verfassen U2's Bono and The Edge helped celebrate the opening of the Clinton Presidential Center last Thursday, November 18, in Little Rock, Arkansas. The pair performed a three-song set before former President Bill Clinton took the stage to address the more than 30,000 people who turned out for the dedication ceremony.

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