Sonntag, 31. Oktober 2004 U2 are furious about frontman Bono's non-stop political campaigns and have urged him to cease his "self-indulgent" work.
The Irish rocker admitted guitarist The Edge was furious when he met American President George W. Bush and has told him to cease his work for AIDS causes and African famine victims, reports Britain's THE SUN newspaper. [
The Irish rocker admitted guitarist The Edge was furious when he met American President George W. Bush and has told him to cease his work for AIDS causes and African famine victims, reports Britain's THE SUN newspaper. [

noch kein Kommentar - Kommentar verfassen October 31, 1961, is a day -- as many @U2 readers have suggested -- that should be considered a national holiday in Ireland. On that day, a boy was born to a family from Howth, and he would grow up to change the music industry as his country knew it. [

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