Dienstag, 5. Oktober 2004

Dylan recounts a dinner with U2 singer Bono, who arrived for the meal toting a case of Guinness. "He's like that guy in the old movie, the one who beats up a rat with his bare hands and wrings a confession out of him'' Dylan writes. "If Bono had come to America in the early part of the century he would have been a cop.''[

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showbizireland.com: The Edge took a short break from U2's impending album release, How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb, to attend the screening of a movie which clearly illustrates the ill effects of nuclear energy... [

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xfm.co.uk: Speaking at yesterday’s Q Awards, where the band picked up the prestigious Icon Award, U2 frontman Bono explained that he takes his musical responsibilities (and the responsibilities that come with the rewards of massive success) very seriously indeed.
“There’s a real deal. A real deal, between us and our audience,” he explained, “Which is we don’t have to worry about where our kids are going to school, paying a hospital bill, paying the mortgage, in return we don’t make a crap album. Two crap albums and you’re out. That’s our deal with our audience.
“Whether its catholic guilt or whatever it is, it’s not on to have this life that we’ve been given – this amazing life – and be crap… And have a fish farm in Wales. It’s unacceptable.” [
“There’s a real deal. A real deal, between us and our audience,” he explained, “Which is we don’t have to worry about where our kids are going to school, paying a hospital bill, paying the mortgage, in return we don’t make a crap album. Two crap albums and you’re out. That’s our deal with our audience.
“Whether its catholic guilt or whatever it is, it’s not on to have this life that we’ve been given – this amazing life – and be crap… And have a fish farm in Wales. It’s unacceptable.” [

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desmoinesregister.com:The Rev. Amy Miracle paused the DVD player with the image of the band U2 frozen on the TV screen.
"He's praying," she said and pointed to lead singer Bono, who was introducing the song "Where the Streets Have No Name" during a June 2001 concert in Boston. His head bowed, he incanted several barely distinguishable verses of what Miracle identified as Psalm 116. [
"He's praying," she said and pointed to lead singer Bono, who was introducing the song "Where the Streets Have No Name" during a June 2001 concert in Boston. His head bowed, he incanted several barely distinguishable verses of what Miracle identified as Psalm 116. [

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Check U2exit.com to hear the Vertigo-Remix taken from the web feed of the Zane Lowe show on Radio 1.
bonovox - am Di, 5. Okt. 2004, 09:42 - Rubrik: Multimedia
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