Sonntag, 25. April 2004 Am Mittwoch dieser Woche war Bono in Berlin, um die deutsche Hilfsinitiative Gemeinsam für Afrika zu unterstützen und um als Gastredner beim Awards Business for Excellence Dinner für die Organisation D.A.T.A. (Debt AIDS Trade Africa) zu werben.
Bono verwendete in seiner Rede deutliche Worte, insbesondere an Bundeskanzler Gerhard Schröder appellierte er mehrfach. hat nun die komplette Rede von Bono veröffentlicht. hat die Rede übersetzt - beides findet Ihr auf Bono eröffnete seine Rede mit den Worten "Guten Abend. My name is Bono, ich bin ein Rock Star ... ich bin ein Dubliner". Björn vom Team war vor Ort und hat nicht nur einen Bericht geschrieben und Photos gemacht - er erhielt auch ein Autogramm samt Selbstporträt von Bono!

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An Interference reader has written in to let fans know that "the U2 contact proof sheets and Virgin Prunes contract from the 1978 U2 archive recently listed on eBay have been relisted separately with no reserve. The demo tape and lyric sheets were sold privately to a collector."

Of the 1978 contact sheets, the seller states:
“Two original contract proofs of an early promotional photo shoot with the band U2, circa 1978-9, featuring 64 separate photographic images of the band members posing individually and together, with several marked as selects. It is uncertain whether any these images have been published, or who is the photographer of record, but the outfits, instruments and age of the band are consistent with other contemporary promotional images reproduced in Bill Graham’s U2: The Early Days, and other sources.”

Of the 1978 contact sheets, the seller states:
“Two original contract proofs of an early promotional photo shoot with the band U2, circa 1978-9, featuring 64 separate photographic images of the band members posing individually and together, with several marked as selects. It is uncertain whether any these images have been published, or who is the photographer of record, but the outfits, instruments and age of the band are consistent with other contemporary promotional images reproduced in Bill Graham’s U2: The Early Days, and other sources.”
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