Montag, 19. April 2004

In der Liste der 100 einflussreichsten Menschen, die das Time-Magazine jährlich zusammenstellt, findet sich in diesem Jahr auch U2-Sänger Bono wieder.
Der U2-Sänger, der sich in der Liste in Gesellschaft vom Papst, George Bush, Bill Gates, Nelson Mandela etc. befindet, verdient sich seine "Berufung" durch seinen Einsatz für den Weltfrieden und den Kampf gegen Aids.
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Below you will find links to U2 fan fictions. Starring non-other than the blue-eyed B-Man of course! :) So check them out!

The Adventures of Bono Fairy: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3

The Adventures of Bono Fairy: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
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New Democrat Party, Member of Parliament, Libby Davis brought up the extravagant rock artist in relation to Canada's seeming lack of commitment to the Global Fund. "As Bono also pointed out, Canada's commitment to the global fund is one-third below what our obligation is. Yet the global fund was completely missed out of the throne speech. It was not mentioned in the budget. Again, why was the global fund ignored? Are these commitments simply Liberal window dressing that mean nothing for the people that they are intended to help? Where is the Liberal commitment? Why does it not come through?" The Speech from the Throne, outlining legislative agenda and the budget are bell weathers of where the party intends to take the country.
In Bono's convention speech he asked Canada to invest three times our current amount. "I told him [PM Martin] earlier today that if Canada puts in its fair share of three times the current amount by the way, they'll embarrass the rest of the world into doing the same."
The rocker applauded Canada's commitment to providing cheaper generic drugs for poor African nations facing the AIDS/HIV pandemic. However the bill remains in committee and is so seriously flawed that it is almost laughable—pharmaceutical companies have the choice to opt out of providing the generic drugs to Africa.
MP Davis again ripped the Liberals by using Bono's remarks in the House of Commons on the failure of this bill. Proving how entertaining Canadian politics is, she said, "I might add that we are sending his [PM Martin's] answer to Bono, so I hope he thinks about his reply. The bill that is supposed to provide affordable drugs to Africa is fatally flawed. It contains the first right of refusal for big drug companies, something that the NGOs and the experts know fatally flaws and undermines the bill." Though the PM was present he did not rise to MP Davis's challenge.
Bono told Canadians that "we need more Canadas" and he promised that should our PM fail he would "be the biggest pain in[PM Martin's] ass a year down the line [PM Martin] is going to regret tonight."
The New Democrat Party has written to Bono requesting that he put his ass kicking promises to good measure. At a music industry function I attended a few nights later, the topic of Bono's speech came up. The consensus around the table was that the fix was in, with one hot well connected industry babe making the sucky-sucky motion as to the whole relevance of Bono’s appearance. Is Bono a true promise anything politician or will he live up to his fighting words?
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Bono said, "No, we need the full $435 million." There was an awkward moment. "And another thing," Bono continued. "If 'certain people' fight it, tell them U2 will come to their districts, get 50,000 kids in a stadium and put their photo on 30-ft. screens with the caption, 'This guy killed African women and children.'"
That's punk rock. And that's why Bono is a hero. Not because he's a rock star, but because he's a rock star who is willing to spend time on things that are tedious and boring—like long sessions with Senators and Administration officials and meetings at the World Bank and the IMF on torpid Washington Saturday mornings.
Here's the answer. When Bono and his wife Ali first went to Africa, they worked in a refugee camp for a month. On the day they were leaving, a man approached him carrying a baby. "This is my son," the man said. "Please take him with you when you leave. If you do, he will live. Otherwise he will die."
I have heard Bono tell that story several times. Each time, I think he is haunted by the unacceptable fact that any father should be faced with such a choice and by the horror that this unjust moment is repeated every day across Africa. He has dedicated his life to making sure that such extreme poverty comes to an end.
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You are bidding on this Beautiful 16" x 20" Double Matted U2 Litho, with a gallery sleeve, and foamcore backing. U2 is one of the BEST BANDS in our Lifetime, their songs of hope, love, and compassion are rarely seen in todays music. Bono and the guys stand up for ideals that everyone should realize.
As a fan of them for 15+ years I know how much this print captures visually the beauty of their song. Easily fits into a 16" x 20" 'readymade' frame. Proudly display this beautiful work of art with pride anywhere in the office or home, schools too. The print is 16" x 20" Shipped in a custom crushproof, damage proof box with edge protectors to insure safe delivery.
The photos don't do the work of art justice. The quality is beautiful, worthy of U2. Good Luck and Happy Bidding. The U2 litho is Not Signed.
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