The future needs a big kiss!


Topic: Charity

Freitag, 7. Jänner 2005 The Irish rock star and activist is turning his attention away from Africa's debt and AIDS woes to Asia's tsunami victims. One of his op-ed pieces called on the world to ``seize the day'' on this ``incomprehensibly tragic'' event.

Bono and his band U2 are expected to perform at a Live Aid- style concert being planning in the U.K. later this month. It's the in thing to do these days; you'd be hard pressed to think of a nation, company or celebrity that isn't scrambling to help the millions affected by the Dec. 26 tsunami. [arrow more]

Donnerstag, 6. Jänner 2005 Rockers U2 have stood up to the cause of the victims of the Asian Tsunami and are encouraging fans to donate money to various charities to help raise funds.
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Samstag, 1. Jänner 2005 A host of stars including actress Scarlett Johansson and U2 frontman Bono are joining forces to promote a year-long charity campaign.

The Make Poverty History campaign wants Tony Blair and other world leaders to cancel debts and deliver better aid packages to the poor and is backed by more than 100 charities, unions and faith groups. [arrow more]

Donnerstag, 16. Dezember 2004 Irish rock stars Bono and Bob Geldof have paid tribute to an Irish priest who spent four decades working with the poor of Africa

Fr Jack Finucane took part in 18 major emergencies, including the the 1984 famine in Ethiopia.

U2 frontman Bono recalled visiting feeding camps in Ethiopia. "Right in amongst them was the John Wayne of this business, Jack Finucane. I'd never met anyone like him and still haven't," he said. [arrow more]

Donnerstag, 28. Oktober 2004 Irish singer Bono has urged world leaders to help African famine victims by dropping Third World debt.

The U2 rocker insists Britain's Prime Minister Tony Blair, French premier Jacques Chirac and American President George W Bush would secure a place in the history books if they changed the relationships between the affluent West and their impoverished neighbours in the southern hemisphere.

He says, "If Bush and Blair and Chirac asked my advice, I'd say they should reorganise the relationship between the north and southern hemisphere. [arrow more]

Donnerstag, 21. Oktober 2004 Irish rock star Bono told a Portland audience Wednesday night that America and Europe can and should help fix the AIDS crisis in Africa, which he compared to genocide.

While Africa "is burning" in an AIDS pandemic that kills 6,500 people a day and cripples its economy, the world's richest nations have their own crises, Bono said. They keep large, old debts over the heads of African countries that worked to topple the dictators who initially received those loans, he said. [arrow more]

Sonntag, 17. Oktober 2004 Bono is the first to admit celebrity is an absurd currency, but he's used his to particular good effect. His engagement with global poverty began in the '80s with Live Aid, the music industry's response to the famine in Ethiopia. Live Aid and Band Aid together raised $200 million, the most for any such effort. And Bono spent a lot of time in Africa before he got to know any world leaders. [arrow more]

Freitag, 8. Oktober 2004 It's a beautiful day for a Claremont-based charity, which got help from U2 singer Bono in getting a shipment of hospital beds and medicine into South Africa.

The 40-foot container of supplies for an AIDS clinic was hung up for four months by South African customs officials, who expressed such realistic concerns as whether powdered baby formula might really be heroin.

"I wrote, like, 35 letters to everyone from Nelson Mandela to Oprah Winfrey to Bono, everyone with an interest in the AIDS situation in Africa," KidCare International founder Larry Kapchinsky told me.

"The only one who responded positively was DATA, Bono's organization. They jumped on it and sent two letters to agencies in Africa." [arrow more]

Mittwoch, 29. September 2004 As glowing tributes go, it doesn't exactly trip off the tongue.

But Irish rock star Bono certainly knows how to push the right buttons.

Addressing the Labour party's annual conference in Brighton, he dubbed the Gordon Brown and Tony Blair the Lennon and McCartney of global development.

In his student days, when he was lead singer of a rock band, Ugly Rumour, Mr Blair was, apparently, more of a Mick Jagger man.

But in a week when kind words have been thin on the ground, the prime minister looked more than happy to accept the Irish rock star's compliment.

In fact both Blair and Brown grinned away like autograph-hunting schoolboys as the U2 man made his point.

You half expected one of them to whip out a battered copy of The Joshua Tree and shuffle forward, biro in hand. [arrow more] Der Popstar Bono hat auf dem Parteitag der britischen Labour Party zum Kampf gegen Aids und Armut in Afrika aufgerufen. Im Bestreben, die Geißel der afrikanischen Bevölkerung auszulöschen, müssten sich Europa und die Vereinigten Staaten zusammenschließen, forderte der Sänger der irischen Gruppe U2 am Mittwoch unter dem Beifall der Delegierten im südenglischen Seebad Brighton. Dabei hatte er viel Lob für die britische Regierung übrig. [arrow more]

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