Topic: Stuff
Mittwoch, 15. Dezember 2004 An early photograph of Irish rock band U2 taken by Dutch photographer Anton Corbijn was sold to an anonymous buyer for 12,000 euros ($15,990) at a Dublin auction on Tuesday.
The signed photo, taken a year before U2 scored their first top-10 spot in the British charts with the 1983 single "New Year's Day," features the four rockers posing moodily in a field of long grass. [
The signed photo, taken a year before U2 scored their first top-10 spot in the British charts with the 1983 single "New Year's Day," features the four rockers posing moodily in a field of long grass. [

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Dienstag, 30. November 2004

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Sonntag, 24. Oktober 2004

Reminding, comforting, and challenging are recurring themes in Get Up Off Your Knees: Preaching the U2 Catalog. Editors Raewynne J. Whiteley and Beth Maynard, both Episcopalian ministers, have produced the first book of sermons inspired by what just might be the world's most influential rock 'n' roll band. Gathering 26 contributors from across the landscape of U2 fandom to offer a collection of homilies, meditations, and essays, they offer a welcome portrait of what's possible when you have three chords and the truth. [

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Can you make it down? Play the Vertigo Game to win exclusive U2 prizes! The aim of the game is to get your feet on solid ground as quickly as possible before the effects of vertigo gets to you.

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Montag, 18. Oktober 2004

While Think Secret has been unable to confirm this with one-hundred percent certainty, sources say that Apple is planning to release the U2-edition iPod around the week of November 21, when U2's new album will hit stores. For a small premium over the regular iPod, said to be around $30, the U2-edition iPod will feature a distinctive enclosure and will come pre-loaded with all the band's major album releases.

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Dienstag, 5. Oktober 2004

Dylan recounts a dinner with U2 singer Bono, who arrived for the meal toting a case of Guinness. "He's like that guy in the old movie, the one who beats up a rat with his bare hands and wrings a confession out of him'' Dylan writes. "If Bono had come to America in the early part of the century he would have been a cop.''[

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Sonntag, 15. August 2004
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Donnerstag, 12. August 2004 More than 400 rare photographs and illustrations will chronicle U2's live performance history in the book "U2 Show: The Art of Touring." Assembled by photographer Diana Scrimgeour with the full cooperation of U2 and its associates, the 312-page volume will hit bookstores Oct. 21 via Riverhead Books. [

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Dienstag, 27. Juli 2004 Seminal punk rock group The Ramones are set to release a new DVD featuring archived footage forgotten for over 20 years.
Also featured on "Ramones Raw" is an eclectic mix of guest celebrity appearances from Drew Barrymore, Carly Simon, Gilbert Gottfried, 'Grandpa' Al Lewis (of "the Munsters"), Bono & U2 and Debbie Harry & Chris Stein of Blondie. [
Also featured on "Ramones Raw" is an eclectic mix of guest celebrity appearances from Drew Barrymore, Carly Simon, Gilbert Gottfried, 'Grandpa' Al Lewis (of "the Munsters"), Bono & U2 and Debbie Harry & Chris Stein of Blondie. [

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Montag, 12. Juli 2004 Perhaps the strangest book yet, in the burgeoning genre of U2 literature.
'Some are born great. Some achieve greatness. Some have greatness thrust upon them... and some have the misfortune to go to school with Bono'.
So writes Neil McCormick in 'I Was Bono's Doppelganger', a kind of memoir of growing up in the gigantic shadow cast by a classmate called Bono.

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