femalefirst.co.uk: U2 struck up a pioneering new iPod deal with APPLE boss STEVE JOBS because the rockers felt the company "best exemplifies the marriage of technology and pop culture."
The group teamed up with Apple to allow fans who bought a limited edition iPod to check out the new U2 album HOW TO DISMANTLE AN ATOMIC BOMB weeks ahead of it's release - and they even agreed to let Apple marketing men use their new song VERTIGO in a TV ad for free.
Frontman BONO explains, "They (Apple) understand music. They like music. They like the art object. The iPod is probably the greatest pop object since the electric guitar.
The group teamed up with Apple to allow fans who bought a limited edition iPod to check out the new U2 album HOW TO DISMANTLE AN ATOMIC BOMB weeks ahead of it's release - and they even agreed to let Apple marketing men use their new song VERTIGO in a TV ad for free.
Frontman BONO explains, "They (Apple) understand music. They like music. They like the art object. The iPod is probably the greatest pop object since the electric guitar.