Dienstag, 25. Jänner 2005
u2.com: U2 will join Green Day, Alicia Keys and Tim McGraw playing live at 47th Grammy Awards next month.
The band are nominated for three Awards at the 47th Grammy Awards - the new
album 'How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb' was not released in the qualifying
period, but 'Vertigo', the first single, was. [
The band are nominated for three Awards at the 47th Grammy Awards - the new
album 'How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb' was not released in the qualifying
period, but 'Vertigo', the first single, was. [

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Run auf die Tickets
Insgesamt werden für das Konzert in Wien 55.265 Karten aufgelegt. Der Kartenvorverkauf beginnt am 5. Februar um 9.00 Uhr. Alle Ticketinfos bei [Ö-Ticket], [Rock And More], sowie [Clubticket]
Erfahrungsgemäß könnten in vier Stunden alle 55.000 Tickets weg sein. Wenn man sich auf der offiziellen U2 Homepage im Fanclub registrieren lässt, dann hat man allerdings die Möglichkeit Karten vorzureservieren.

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belfasttelegraph.co.uk: Northern Ireland's legions of U2 fans were today given the news they had been waiting for - the date of the rock giants' 2005 Irish gig.
The supergroup from Dublin today announced it will play their home-town gig in Croke Park on June 24 as part of the Vertigo 2005 world tour.
No Ulster date is listed in the band's touring itinerary though thousands of Ulster fans are expected to join the rush to buy tickets for the Dublin gig when they go on sale on February 4. [
The supergroup from Dublin today announced it will play their home-town gig in Croke Park on June 24 as part of the Vertigo 2005 world tour.
No Ulster date is listed in the band's touring itinerary though thousands of Ulster fans are expected to join the rush to buy tickets for the Dublin gig when they go on sale on February 4. [

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