Montag, 29. November 2004 In October, Apple announced a deal with rock band U2 to provide its entire music catalog on the iTunes Music Store as a “digital box set” called The Complete U2. For the first time, a significant artist’s entire career would be available — legally — over the Internet. On November 23, Apple released this electronic collection on all of its iTunes Music Stores. Being both a U2 fan and a trustworthy Playlist editor, I took it upon myself to purchase and download this new approach to music packaging and collecting. Here are my experiences and impressions. [

bonovox - am Mo, 29. Nov. 2004, 20:28 - Rubrik: Multimedia
noch kein Kommentar - Kommentar verfassen In der ersten Verkaufswoche wurden bereits über 5,6 Mio. Einheiten von "How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb" abgesetzt, davon allein 2,5 Mio. in den USA. Von ihrem letzten Album, "All That You Can't Leave Behind" konnte die Band im Vergleichszeitraum 3,26 Mio Einheiten absetzen. [

noch kein Kommentar - Kommentar verfassen The latest U2 album, How to Dismantle An Atomic Bomb, has gone straight to number one in the UK album charts. [

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