Donnerstag, 12. August 2004 More than 400 rare photographs and illustrations will chronicle U2's live performance history in the book "U2 Show: The Art of Touring." Assembled by photographer Diana Scrimgeour with the full cooperation of U2 and its associates, the 312-page volume will hit bookstores Oct. 21 via Riverhead Books. [

noch kein Kommentar - Kommentar verfassen There's more news from Bono the Musician (not to be mistaken with Bono the Politician, they’re totally different people) as more U2 hype is flung into the air on the treacherously bumpy road to The Next Album.
Thankfully, poor old Edge isn’t wringing his hands nervously as he’s berated by Adam Clayton for losing a CD while Larry Mullin Jr. broods in the background and Bono is off fighting to save the echidna, this time it’s nothing but good publicity. Now you'll be able to listen to Bono’s sweet falsetto while thumbing through a book chock full of his Irish good looks. [
Thankfully, poor old Edge isn’t wringing his hands nervously as he’s berated by Adam Clayton for losing a CD while Larry Mullin Jr. broods in the background and Bono is off fighting to save the echidna, this time it’s nothing but good publicity. Now you'll be able to listen to Bono’s sweet falsetto while thumbing through a book chock full of his Irish good looks. [

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